Master the Art of Speaking
Through Dubbing, 2DUB
Through Dubbing, 2DUB
Dub your way to fluency
Check out Users' Dubbing Yourself
Dub Options
Speak Like a Native, Even the Breath!
Elevate your English speaking with options like intonation graphs, speed control, and more. Practice dubbing while comparing with the original for improved pronunciation and stress.

Embrace the Joy of Togetherness
Have fun sharing and dubbing challenging lines with others. Divide roles and dub with various people, then share your creations for enjoyable communication!
Miracle Alarm
Build Your English Speaking Habit
Begin your morning routine with the English Habit Challenge using Miracle Alarm. Start your day by dubbing at least one sentence in English as a mission, building the habit of speaking in English every morning.

2DUB's Dubbing Method in Learning
Enhance speaking skills by optimizing sentence comprehension stages through engaging videos and auditory stimulation.
Speak for 'comprehension' and 'expression',
going beyond reading sentences.
going beyond reading sentences.

Speak like an actor,
conveying emotions freely
and repeatedly as desired.
conveying emotions freely
and repeatedly as desired.
Form a daily habit
of speaking in English
of speaking in English
Improve speaking:
Pronunciation, listening,
fluency through practice
Pronunciation, listening,
fluency through practice
Support long-term
language development
and growth
language development
and growth
Experience the power of dubbing learning
methods at specialized institutions
methods at specialized institutions

The Impact of Dubbing Activities: A Study Result from Sookmyung Women's University
Using Dubbing in English Speaking Classes: A Study Result on Educational Research
Dubbing Activities in Classroom Settings: A Study Result from Kookmin University
Enhance Your Teaching Approach
Explore 2DUB Class, a tailored English speaking lesson management service designed exclusively for teachers.

Sounds of Joy: What Users Say

This is my favorite app. The best app to practice my Korean speaking. You can also dub with other people who are also in my age exercising speaking foreign language. My Korean speaking has been improved with 2DUB!

Comparing my intonation with the original right after recording really helps improve my overall speaking. This also makes me speak mutiple times. I love how 2DUB is structured to make people speak!

First, it is genuinely fun -even for a person who doesn't know how to speak English or Korean! Just 2DUB if you want to improve speaking!
Unlock the power of dubbing
at your fingertips.
at your fingertips.
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Embark on Your Dubbing Adventure Now!
PIN: dub2dub
PIN: dub2dub
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